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NLM Newsletter: Growth 2019, Vision 2020

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

God sent the entire nation of Israel to cross the Jordon under Joshua’s command to conquer the land God had promised to give them. But why did God send them to Jericho first? Jericho wasn’t a threatening city nor significant. Why? Because God had ONE person to rescue. ONE. Rahab. She mattered.

Rehab had a role in our redemption.

God knew her heart, she believed in the God of Israel. The cost was not too great for God to send an entire nation to one city to rescue ONE. God was demonstrating His grace to a gentile, someone of poor reputation. He does not look at our circumstances, but at the heart willing and open to knowing Him.

God has sent NLM to partner, prepare, send and serve men and women of God who go and share the gospel. It is worth it. God sees it as valuable. ONE life at a time, changed for eternity by God’s amazing grace.

You have been or could become one who serves with us.

With Growth Comes Financial Challenges!!

Pastor John Piper wrote an incredible article “Should Missionaries Fundraise?”

We encourage you to read this short article. It is inspiring to us at this time, especially when the NLM is growing and the needs are greater. Here are a few lines from the article:

“I would say (inviting people to join them in financial support) it is modeled in the Bible as the normal way of doing missions. And I would base that mainly on 2 Corinthians 8–9. I think every Christian who hopes to receive gifts of money or to support some ministry should become a master of these two chapters….

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (9:7)… 9:12 says, “For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings.” In other words, get on board with this, because you are going to meet the needs of saints and God is going to get a lot of thanksgiving.”

GROWTH - 2019

Two seminary graduates and wives, and two single men graduates are serving their 4th year in their education as interns in different churches. Another couple will be graduating 2020 and enter their 4th year as interns.

Interns church in Mexicali feeding homeless children and others

Growth in Vizcaino, Baja Sur

In all, the established mission churches and the mother church in Papalote have seen hundreds of people come to Christ, baptized and walking with the Lord. Koinenia Church in Mitla, Oaxaca has outgrown their meeting space and need a sanctuary for services.

Growth in Mitla, OX

With the spiritual growth there is an urgency for an extension of the Seminary in Oaxaca. Men and women desire to study ‘to show themselves approved’ to serve as church planters and missionaries.

In our communities, nation and world, we see hopelessness, anger, and desperation. Our God is the answer. God has blessed the mission of NLM to partner, prepare, send and serve. We need your help to make these efforts go even further!


In the following scenarios you may see yourself with a group of friends or family or a church team participating in In-Kind (voluntary service) service to the ministries of NLM.

NLM is also in need of on-going financial support. Here we have attempted to provide a larger view of what is currently active as well as future visions.

Compassion Ministry

  • serves as a financial support for the health and dental needs of our pastors and families; families and individuals within the churches that have little resources and poor medical care; the forgotten elderly, meeting physical and spiritual needs of families of disabled children; and we give a small salary to the Director of Compassion in Papalote. Compassion encompasses both Baja’s and Oaxaca. Expenses are generally $1-$2000 a month. $24,000/year

Current Construction Project needs:

  • Dwight Hires has designed a larger apartment with a medical clinic area and handicapped bathroom in the NLM Oasis Pacífico that can be used by the Nagles when in Papalote, as well as hospitality. The foundation has been completed. Projected funding need: $40,000

foundation of new apartment and clinic
  • Mitla, Oaxaca church sanctuary to seat 250-300. Some of the prep work is being completed. The foundation and church building projected need is $40,000

Plans for the new sanctuary of the Koinenia Church
  • Chapultepec, Chalcatongo, Oaxaca. We are funding an addition to the small two room home of Pastor Senen. This small addition will serve as a bedroom with a bathroom for Senen and Bernardita, and a dining area. Their two girls are now sleeping in a classroom of the church. The Ruiz family are caring for two homeless elderly folks in their home as well. One is blind. One has alcoholic dementia. The contractor is a trusted man who built the church building two years ago. Budgets are higher now and related with the high cost of getting materials. Gasoline is now near $5 a gallon. Further funding needed: $10,000

Panoramic picture of the wood burning kitchen and slab for the new addition.

Yesterday we received word from Pastor Senen and Bernardita that God has broken the chains of resistence of hearing the Word of God in nearby Plan de Ayala. A new cell group of eight met recently n the home of his sister and brother-in- law for the first time. There have been prayers on-going for this village and Senen's family for 10 years.


  • Pastor Diego of Mitla has three children now and his car is too small. His car would go to Chuy and Marisol who have no vehicle. Chuy and Marisol are living in a house rented as the church building in the new church plant of Xaaga near Mitla. A used car in decent shape is around $6000. A good car is $10,000.

  • Luz Maria, below, our Director of Compassion Ministries is in desperate need of a small car that gets good gas mileage with Mexican plates. Anticipated expense: $3-4000

  • We anticipate the need for vehicle replacement for a number of pastoral families in the next year or two. There will also be new couples and singles entering the church planting vision. They will be in need of transportation with Mexican licenses. Anticipated need: $18,000

  • Donated pickups are needed that can haul trailers with fairly good MPH are needed for the work/study program and valley church use (for going to camp). The cost of a Mexican license can run between $2000-3000. Vehicles with U.S. plates can be driven only in the San Quintin valley area. Outside of that area they could be confiscated by the police.

  • Current vans of the churches get around 8-10 mpg. Gasoline in the valley is around $4 a gallon

Pastoral gifts

  • Pastors are not able to work full time and plant churches, disciple, and meet their mandatory social obligations. We assist them financially. We now have several churches that are helping to support their pastors. The average assistance pastors receive through your gifts is $400 a month. That is far from their needs. Their children are growing, cost of living has gone up. Vehicles are wearing out. We would like to be able to give them all $100 additional per month. $1000/month or $12,000 per year for this need.

Seminario Bíblico Baja

  • SBB work/study program employs students so that they have time to work, study and participate in the practicum of ministry. $8000 per year for this need.

  • Annually in the spring students experience mission. Depending upon where they go as short-term mission trips, the expense of their travel, food and project funds is far above what they can raise. The students begin selling pizzas, snacks, ice cream, and some garage sales (mostly missionary donations) in the fall of that school year. An average need after students have raised funds is around $5000.

Below: Students to Vizcaino 2019 Below: Graduates to Xaaga, Mitla, Oaxaca 2019

Seminario Bíblico Oaxaca

As the Lord directs, Don and I continue to plan with the vision of planting a Seminary extension in Oaxaca. It will be in His timing. God has provided some of our needs there already. A car, a rental house, beds and a table and chairs. There is a need for more furnishings and appliances.

  • Anticipated expense: $10,000

  • Initial establishment expense of SBO: $10,000 (office, air travel, vehicle travel and expenses, hospitality

Vision for 2020-21

  • Rebuilding the parsonage home at the mother church of Papalote. Eaten up by termites, very small, very little space for hospitality. Projected need $50,000-$75,000 for this project in the coming year or two.

  • Mission teams coming to help with the building projects (In-Kind or service and providing materials donations)

  • The planting of two or three new mission churches, and serving these families $50,000

Communications Coordinator

  • NLM needs more administrative staff. We are looking for a part-time person to bring our communication system up to date and maintain it (webpage, set up alternate ways of donating, annual calendars, email addresses for staff and more.). These are areas that Don and I and the Hires do not have time to do well. Initially it would be a contracted position. Please pray that the Lord will direct us to the right person. The cost could run $1500/month.


Your prayers are PRICELESS

Your prayers are crucial to this ministry that God has so blessed much. Your financial support is crucial for the ministry to continue reaching people or perhaps another ONE for Christ that could become another powerful influence in changing lives in Mexico. You and I have already seen that happen,


John Piper’s translation of 2 Corinthians 9:12

In other words, get on-board with this, because you are going to meet the needs of saints and God is going to get a lot of thanksgiving.” 2 Corinthians 9:12

Don’t forget that the NLM mailing address has changed:

NLM, PO Box 215, Mill City, OR 97360

We thank God for all of you. Your prayers are Priceless.

The Board of Directors of Northern Light Ministries

Robert and Jo Croff, Chairman of the Board

Tim and Paulette Warkentin

Galyn and Kathleen Roth

Mike and Cecelia Palm

Jesse and Shannon Warkentin

Dr. Don Nagle and Ilene Nagle


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Contact Us:

Peggy Keesecker
Finance Director


​Support Mailing Address: 

PO Box 55

Rickreall, OR 97371

501 (c) 3 Non-Profit # 93-1268692

©2020 by NLM.

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