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NLM Newsletter Feb-May 2019

Dear Prayer Warriors:

We are so blessed to see “the fruit” of this ministry. You have given much to see this develop. You pray, send economic support, send your church members and teams to work and encourage.

Once again, we thank you all for your prayers and participation in the expansion of the Kingdom.

We are Blessed:

1. By visiting teams since February…

  • Christmas Valley Community Church team: Leader Dwight Roth – repaired termite damaged dorms, classrooms and church buildings; sprayed each building for prevention; painted metal fencing; put down new tile in an apartment at the seminary; welding at Nueva Era

Christmas Valley, OR team 2019

CV painting fences

Termite control

New railings

Archer with his doggie named "Don Nagle"
  • KALEO - Young men and women from a one year focused biblical study program from Canada in February – construction of storage unit on the Oasis

  • Mike and Cecelia Palm (NLM board members) from Tri-Cities, Washington served in Nueva Era kitchen/dining room


Pastor Julio & Anay thrilled with church kitchen

  • Foothills Church, Stayton, OR Team – Leaders: Bob and Jo Croft, Gordon Wilson - painted the inside of the Papalote church, stucco work on parsonage exterior, installed flooring in the dorm rooms, cleaned chairs in church, roofing in Benito Garcia

Gordon, "the stucco guy" (years of faithfulness)

"sherbert ice cream" Yummmmm

2. Blessed by our Interns…

  • Kylie Dunlap (Aims Community Church, Oregon)

  • Brandon Chugg (Christmas Valley Community Church, Oregon)

Always willing...

3. Blessed by the Spirit of Unity and Compassion.....

Association Asael – a ministry to disabled children and families, supported by the Papalote church

Ministry to others in need:

  • Saturday morning breakfasts in Nueva Era to children in the neighborhood

  • Health aid (vitamins, health exams, lab tests) and clothing to children and families of our churches

children abandoned

Blessed by answers to prayer, and milestone celebrations...

  • Pastor Javier is recovering slowly from debilitating back injury and pain

  • Quinceañera (15th birthday) of Pastor Lazaro’s first daughter Alma Jessica in Vizcaino, Baja Sur; Daniela of Papalote

  • Good health report for Dale Crumrine



Blessed by Seminary students’ practicums and spiritual growth......

Evangelism drama

New Testament class drama

Practice in officiating a wedding

Game with Bible class kids


1. Two Seminario Bíblico Baja short-term mission trips May 25 to June 3, 2019

  • Undergrads to Vizcaino, Baja Sur. Leaders: Professors Dwight Hires and Pastor Julio Wido

  • Graduating students - to Mitla (Xaaga), Oaxaca. Leaders: Professors Ilene Nagle and Pastor Javier Hernandez

2. A quick trip north: Dwight and Sarah Hires and Don and Ilene travel to graduations of grandchildren from high school.

3. Thursday, June 13 – Seminario Bíblico Baja graduation

4. On-going health matters for Javier, Ramon, Dwight, Don, NLM board members Tim, Mike and Bob

5. Couples who have voiced that they have received a call to serve as missionaries. Pray as we work toward this exciting process with them in their lives and families.


Philippians 1:3-6 (NIV)

3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. 4 Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, 5 for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Philippians 1:10 (NLT)

10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.

Paul’s loving greeting to the believers in Philippi gives us pause… 1) that we could have the privilege of your prayers for us, and ours for you as partners, 2) that God continues a good work within us and will continue until the day He returns, 3) that we will not forget what really matters in this short journey of life on earth.


Don and Ilene


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Contact Us:

Peggy Keesecker
Finance Director


​Support Mailing Address: 

PO Box 55

Rickreall, OR 97371

501 (c) 3 Non-Profit # 93-1268692

©2020 by NLM.

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