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Give life! - Give with Purpose!


Partnering, Preparing,

Sending, Serving

Dear Prayer Warriors, Friends and Family,


Has it ever come to your mind, “I wonder when Don and Ilene Nagle are going to retire?” The only example of retirement in the Bible was the obligation of the Levites to retire at age 50. They then became mentors and consultants to the younger workers in the tabernacle and temple.

Our answer, “your career is what you are paid to do; your calling is what you were and are made to do. Stay focused until you are finished. (quote from Dr. David Jeremiah) We will not stop serving the Lord until the day He says, “you have finished well.”

Meet Archer Warkentine, his beloved friend Don Nagle and his puppy he named "Don Nagle". Archer may be one who receives a calling to fill Don's shoes one day.

1Kings 7:51 “Thus all the work that King Solomon did on the house of the Lord was finished. Romans 11:29 – “For God’s gifts and calling of God are irrevocable."

John 17:4 “I brought glory to You here on earth by completing the work You gave me to do.”

The coming of Jesus for His Bride the Church is nearing quickly. Many of you have been faithful in giving to God’s ministry through NLM. Some confuse the world’s standards of “storing your wealth in barns” for future retirement or gifting to family or other desires.

2020 has been shocking for the entire population of the earth. Many are fearful, shaken, hopeless and have withdrawn from society. We who believe in the Rock, have solid hope to stand upon.

Yes, the unrest, the diseases, natural disasters have spurred on doubt, and negativity and fear among some who are believers. There may be the sense of powerlessness and thus do not move ahead.

NOW is the time to move!! TODAY is the day of salvation! Through the indwelling of the

Holy Spirit in us, we are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. We reflect the HOPE of salvation.


Where to Give with Purpose

1. NEW MISSION CHURCH PLANTS: The early graduates of the Seminary in Baja California begun in 2006 have been church planters and are now these pastors are planting new mission churches. This includes graduates sent as missionaries by NLM (you) both in the Baja and in Oaxaca. The pastors planting churches need support for new mission plants.

a. San Telmo, Baja CA, is a 1 hour drive from Papalote. In 2020 Pastor Francisco and Pastor Javier began planting and preparing the way for a pastoral family to live in this growing town. New Baja Mission Plant Ministry Fund for 2021 (gasoline, food, etc.) projected at: $5000

b. San Telmo, Baja CA. Land is for sale that we feel could be a provision of the Lord for a house-church and eventually a church building, Lord willing. Lots are tiny. Projected cost of 6 lots: $15,000, Projected initial costs (outhouse & fencing): $13,500, Projected water tower and utilities $6000, Projected House-Church $65,000.

c. San Pablo, Oaxaca, is a 1 hour drive from Chapultepec. Pastors Senen and Bernardita

planting and preparing the way for a pastoral family to live in this indigenous town that opened to the gospel in July 2020. Expenses include travel, food, moving cost for new pastoral family and rent in San Pedro. Projected Oaxaca Mission Plant Ministry Fund for

2021: $5000

d. Plan de Ayala, Chapultepec, is a steep gravel road drive 1/2 hour from Chapultepec. This mission reopened July 2019 with the salvation of Senen’s sister and brother-in-law. This little village needs a small chapel building. A number of families have come to Christ. The members and pastor of Chapultepec church will continue the ongoing pastoral care there. PRAYER IS IMPORTANT in procuring a small area of land for a chapel. It would need to be gifted. All land is owned by families in this village. Projected cost of a chapel: $5000. Lord willing.


Who are they?

Rev. Ramon Ross Rubio – Mexican Director of NLM Missions (wife Esther and 1 child at home, 2 adult children) – President of Seminary in Baja and oversees Oaxaca Seminary Extension, professor in Seminaries, MA

Rev. Francisco Campos – Pastor of Papalote mother church (wife Maria and 3 children), church planter, evangelist

Rev. Javier Hernández – Pastor of Benito García (wife Isabel and 2 children), Seminary SBB graduate, instructor in Seminaries, church planter

Rev. Julio Wido – Pastor Nueva Era (wife Anay and 2 children), Seminary graduate, instructor in seminaries

Rev. Lazaro Ruiz – Pastor Vizcaino church (wife Letty and 2 children), Seminary SBB graduate

Rev. Diego Gutiérrez – Pastor Mitla church, (wife Luz Elena and three children), Seminary SBB graduate, church planter, NLM Financial Administrator, Superintendent of OX NLM established churches and missions

Esteban and Evi Rodriguez (and 2 children) - Seminary SBB graduates, New sent missionaries (July 2020) to Oaxaca, established Seminary extensions in Mitla and Chapultepec, instructors in seminaries, desire to be part of church planting, serves in pastoral care in Barrio de Ceniza

Ramon Ross Jr. (single) – Seminary SBB graduate, New sent missionary (July 2020), lives in Mitla, OX, preaching, teaching, discipleship, and evangelism, serves in pastoral care in Barrio de Ceniza, instructor in Seminaries.

Jesus Sanchez and Rev. Marisol (one little girl) – Seminary SBB graduates, church planters, evangelism, and discipleship, Xaaga , The Good Samaritan Church, mission church plant of the Mitla church.

Rev. Senen Ruiz, - (wife Bernardita and two daughters at home), Seminary SBB graduate, church planter, evangelism, discipleship, a HERALD of the gospel

Hermana Alejandra, Lay leader at the church in Barrio de Ceniza, faithful testimony of her faith, gentle pastor, prayer warrior, discipleship. OX pastors serve weekly in teaching and preaching.

Our Mexican missionaries receive an average of $600 a month for personal living expenses. Some from NLM donors, some from using skills learned at the Seminary. As families grow, cost of living escalates, and we send more and more Mexican Missionaries … the needs are greater.

TOTAL number of Mexican Missionaries and families sent since 2008 is 38!

In 2021 we anticipate one more family moving into missionary church planting. Husband, wife and two children. Total will then be 42!


--Compassion Ministry, Bi-vocational Training Program of seminary students using work- study program, assisting an existing association, Asael Association, with financial support for teaching and, training and support of families with handicapped children

--Purchasing church plant lots, and building facilities for San Telmo, north one hour of Papalote

--Completion of NLM Oasis Hospitality House/Clinic in Papalote

--Renting house/churches in areas where possible for new church plants

--Growing Seminaries (Papalote, and Oaxaca) using virtual system.

--Relocating of Mexican missionary families and sending new families.

--Additional Ministry Expenses for the New Mission church plants

4. The 2021 Budget exceeds the 2020 Expenditures by nearly $100,000. NLM's expenditures in 2020 were $300,000. Can you help us meet this GOAL? This ministry is Giving Life when you Give with Purpose.

Why Give with Purpose

Today is the day of Salvation. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Without vision the people parish.


SUPPORT NEW MISSION CHURCH PLANTS: The early graduates of the Seminary in Baja California begun in 2006 have been church planters and are now these pastors are planting new mission churches. This includes graduates sent as missionaries by NLM (you) both in the Baja and in Oaxaca. The pastors planting churches need support for new mission plants.

a. San Telmo, Baja CA, is a 1 hour drive from Papalote. In 2020 Pastor Francisco and Pastor Javier began planting and preparing the way for a pastoral family to live in this growing town. New Baja Mission Plant Ministry Fund for 2021 (gasoline, food, etc.) projected at: $5000

b. San Telmo, Baja CA. Land is for sale that we feel could be a provision of the Lord for a house-church and eventually a church building, Lord willing. Lots are tiny. Projected cost of 6 lots: $15,000, Projected initial costs (outhouse & fencing): $13,500, Projected water tower and utilities $6000, Projected House-Church $65,000.

c. San Pedro, Oaxaca, is a 1 hour drive from Chapultepec. Pastors Senen and Bernardita are planting and preparing the way for a pastoral family to live in this indigenous town that opened to the gospel in July 2020. Expenses include travel, food, moving cost for new pastoral family and rent in San Pedro. Projected Oaxaca Mission Plant Ministry Fund for 2021: $5000

d. Plan de Ayala, Chapultepec, is a steep gravel road with switch back drive 1/2 hour from Chapultepec. This mission reopened July 2019 with the salvation of Senen’s sister and brother-in-law. This little village needs a small chapel building. A number of families have come to Christ. The Seminary students and pastor of Chapultepec church will continue the ongoing pastoral care there. PRAYER IS IMPORTANT in procuring a small area of land for a chapel. It would need to be gifted. All land is owned by heritage families in this village. Projected cost of a chapel: $5000. Lord willing.

Giving Tuesdays are celebrated days by non-profits in the months of November and December.

Please consider giving to assist in the many arms and ministries of reaching people in Mexico for Christ. Many have come to Christ during this past year. They know they need hope and are seeking a Savior. All new students in Oaxaca have begun their three years of training with a purpose: to reach their own people for Christ, become holy leaders and plant churches.

All of our Seminary instructors are graduates of Seminario BÍblico Baja or Seminary. All graduate with bachelor's degrees. They are maturing and blooming. Ramon and American professors have higher degrees. Some of the first generation students are seeking master’s degrees.

Giving can be done in several ways:

1. A personal check made out to Northern Light Ministries (indicate if you have a preference for where the gift can be used), otherwise we place it in the General Fund that will be used for none sufficiently funded areas of ministry. Mailing address is NLM, PO BOX 215, GATES, OR 97360

2. Using the App Givelify or go to and an app is there to use for giving.

3. Gifts can be given through PayPal.

4. Automatic payment can be set up with your bank using BillPay. Payments would be sent by the bank automatically on the day of your preference monthly.

5. has a program called Amazon Smile. They will donate a percentage of your purchases to a non-profit. Choose Northern Light Ministries from the list they offer.

Any amount given will be used with prayer and purpose. Thank you in advance.


Don and Ilene Nagle – This past year and a half has been quite a challenge. Don continues to have surgeries repairing some of his major injuries in the car accident in Aug 2019. He is recovering quickly. We think he in his final surgery this coming week…a shoulder replacement.

Ilene has been on a rollercoaster of ups and downs with the lung cancer. The cancer metastasized to the brain in July. A new novel chemo-pill was begun, and the last MRI showed the cancer in the brain is gone. The lung cancer is notably a rapid growing tumor. It has not grown substanually. I was recently taken off the chemo-pill because side effects were very difficult. A new one will be arriving within a week. There have been some changes in medication for the exhaustion and does seem to help.

We walk daily with the Lord, thanking Him for the good and the difficult. He passed through much more than we have. We are so grateful and appreciative for our board of directors. There have been some new elections which will take off some of the heavy burden Ilene has been assuming. A new secretary and treasurer, and Don and I will now Co-Share the Executive Director position. We are living in Bend, Oregon, closer to medical care.

Your prayers have been absolutely coveted. We feel them daily. Thank you to the churches who have stepped up to help financially when teams have been unable to go and labor.

Ilene and Don

COVID has kept all American Missionaries in the U.S.

So hard to want to go “home” again. Dwight Hires, the Crumrine’s, and the Palms have been able to return for a few weeks once. That was when there was a lull in the pandemic. Right now, that has changed for Mexico as well. We are praying that they will be able to return home in January. All is in God’s timing and will. Relationships have certainly been cut off by rules and regulations, so that makes it doubly difficult to return.

Once again we thank you for being supportive in prayer and giving. It is amazing to look back one year and see how God has put things in place. We rejoice to see the leadership becoming so solid.


  1. Good health for all American and Mexican missionaries and families

  2. Healing to the Nagles' bodies should it be His will.

  3. Bless those abundantly who have been so faithful in prayer, and giving in this tragic year.

  4. Thank Lord for the many new believers and their spiritual growth.

  5. That we may all look up in full expectation for the coming of Jesus for us in the clouds, and yet continue to work more than ever in the bringing of more soul to Him.

  6. Pastor Senen has just received word that he will begin a one year unpaid required obligation as mayor to his community of Chapultepec beginning in January. This is heavy on his heart as he has several church plants going as well as his own church. Pray that he will once again be able to minister to the community for the glory of God as he had for so many years. Pray that God will send more workers to help in this difficult coming year. May we, the family of God support Senen with blessings for the community of Chapultepec.

Don and Ilene are thrilled to become grandparents one more time as our daughter Linda Lee and husband Connor Donahue had their first baby ... Stevie Lee Donahue was born October 30th. Pray that she will come to love Jesus.

IN HIS SERVICE: Don and Ilene Nagle, Ramon Ross Rubio, Dwight and Sarah Hires, Dale and Carol Crumrine, Mike and Cecelia Palm, and our beloved Board of Directors


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Contact Us:

Peggy Keesecker
Finance Director


​Support Mailing Address: 

PO Box 55

Rickreall, OR 97371

501 (c) 3 Non-Profit # 93-1268692

©2020 by NLM.

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