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Don's Accident & New NLM Mailing Address

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Let me briefly review what has happened in the month of August 2019.

Aug 2 - Don was in a rollover accident in our pickup on a wash-board condition gravel road in the Christmas Valley area. He was alone. Flown by Air Life helicopter to St. Charles in Bend, OR.

Aug 3 - He had surgery on his right upper arm with plate and screws. Total of 17 fractures, all above the waist. 10 left ribs, sternum, rt. Upper arm, left clavicle, rt shoulder crack, three transverse bones of the vertebrae. Later discovered he had a concussion and a one lung was slightly deflated.

Aug 15 -Transferred to a rehabilitation facility to have physical therapy and get stronger.

Aug 25 - Transferred back to hospital with multiple complications.

Aug 30 - Moved to the St Charles Inpatient Rehabilitation for a 2 week stay. He is quite weak but has made obvious positive steps forward daily.

We were told to anticipate 8 weeks to see healing in the fractures, but probably the rib pain would last for months. He should be walking within the next two weeks. Don has no appetite and has lost 20 pounds. He is drinking liquids now, however. The challenge includes that he is allergic to opioids for pain relief. The alternatives give only some relief.

Our plans for Mitla, Oaxaca We anticipate moving to Mitla, but not exactly sure of the date now. We did cancel our tickets for September. We hope it will be in November, Lord willing.


New Treasurer/New Mailing Address In mid-July Peggy Keesecker accepted the position of bookkeeper and treasurer for NLM. She and her husband Tom reside in Mill City, Oregon. She has been a bookkeeper for many years. We are so grateful to Patty Effingham for her years of service to us and the ministry.

This change means that all gifts and donations will be going to a new address. This will be our (Don and Ilene) personal mailing address as well. Our residence will continue to be in Christmas Valley, but personal mail will be sent to Mill City. We have a different address for sending packages et. in Ramona, California because it is closer to the border.

Peggy is planning to send a letter out to all of you next week as she now has everything set up.

The new mailing address is:

NLM (or Don and Ilene Nagle) PO BOX 215 MILL CITY, OR 97360-0215

We are planning to change some of the forms for giving. We do ask before those forms come that you will write on your donation, for Peggy's use, where you wish your donation to be applied. . We are also planning to provide more options of on-line and automatic giving. But as I am very involved with Don's needs right now, it may be a month or so before I can get that done.


There are a number of our friends and family who have been following Don’s progress with wonderful notes of encouragement and love. Not all of you knew of Don’s accident. I have not had time to write this newsletter until today. I am getting some rest the past few days and Ramon Ross is here to encourage and support Don. Others have come to spend the night with him and some in the day. We are so grateful. Soon we hope that Don will be less dependent. We hear encouraging words from the staff here.

Please forgive me if you were one that was not notified. I could not think of everyone. It was not intentional. We covet your continued prayers for Don’s recovery and know that it was a miracle that Don’s life was preserved. God is not done with us yet. We praise Him for our friends, his grace and mercy and the hope with which he has filled us.


These following verses have been sent to us by several persons and mean a lot to us:

Romans 8: 18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us.

Romans 8: 22 We know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan within ourselves while eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For we are saved through hope, but hope that is seen is not hope, for why does a man still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

We love you all.

En Su Servicio para siempre, (In His Service for always) Ilene and Don


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Contact Us:

Peggy Keesecker
Finance Director


​Support Mailing Address: 

PO Box 55

Rickreall, OR 97371

501 (c) 3 Non-Profit # 93-1268692

©2020 by NLM.

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